Magazin Header von das boep mit med Basiscreme Sonnencreme Michaela Hagemann und Hebamme Charlotte

boep Magazine

Here you will find useful information about skin and baby care, natural cosmetics in general, information about sun protection, our product tests and an insight into our press clippings.

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Naturkosmetik Balsam von das boep in Anwendung


Preservatives, KBT & storage tips

The approval of skin care products is subject to strict rules in Germany and the EU. This is important so that everyone can be sure that the products do not contain any ingredients that are proven to be toxic or harmful. In addition,...

Current: Summer, sun, sunscreen

You can find further articles on the respective topics here:

sun protection Baby care Natural cosmetics Advice all articles

Media Clippings

We are delighted when our products are featured in the media! Find an excerpt here.

luna magazine

Perfect Match - our pink glitter bath goes perfectly with the other products in the luna magazine.

Girlfriend Magazine

Julia Talarico and content creator Susanne Nagele @suenatuerlich have voted our boep sun cream sensitive with SPF 50 in first place - thank you very much for this award!

Beispielseite das boep Pflegedusche im Green Lifestyle Magazin

Super gentle - Our care shower as a tip for a relaxing shower with a wellness feeling in the Green Lifestyle Magazine.

Beispielseite Magzin mit Tipps für Kids mit Kinder Shampoo und Kinder Conditioner von das boep
Tips for kids

In the must-haves of the Summer 2023 issue you will find our new kids hair washing duo - we love it!

Beispielseite das boep im Elternmagazin
PARENTS Magazine

We are so ready for the sun - are you? The ELTERN editorial team recommends our lip care with SPF20 in the magazine.

Beispielseite das boep mineralische Sonnencreme in der FAZ
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper

In June 2022, our Sensitive Sunscreen SPF30 is one of the editor's top picks!

Michaela Hagemann von das boep beim the mompany Podcast
The MOMPANY Podcast

In this podcast, host Nora and boep founder Michaela talk about Michaela's desire to become a doctor, about her medical studies and how she then - completely unplanned - became an entrepreneur!

To the podcast
Beispielseite med Basiscreme und med Wundcreme von das boep in Baby & Junior
Baby & Junior

In March 2023 we will be in the Baby & Junior magazine with our new med series , which we developed together with Anni from "AnnisBunteWelt".

Beispielseite das boep Schaumbad für Babys bei Ökotest
eco test

The magazine ÖkoTest tested our bubble bath in April 2023 and rated it "very good". This puts the product alongside our other "very good" tested products, the wind and weather balm and the baby cream .

Beispielsseite das boep mineralische Sonnencreme bei Mens & Health
Men's Health

We think "The Ecological One" sounds very appealing! Thanks to Men's Health for the top pick in July/August 2022.

Product testing

We regularly have our products tested by our community and ask for valuable feedback

Product info

You can find all information about the individual products on the product pages.