
Here you can find all information about our certificates and test results

Cosmos Natural Siegel das boep
COSMOS Natural

Certified natural cosmetics

Dermatest Siegel das boep

Skin compatibility test

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Certified natural cosmetics

Certified natural cosmetics


All of our products (except the shampoo bar and the easy-comb spray) carry the COSMOS NATURAL seal. The shampoo bar is NATRUE certified.

A few years ago, several European associations (including the German BDIH) joined forces and established the COSMetic
Organic Standard
(COSMOS) an international standard for
controlled natural cosmetics. For this seal, in addition to
the ingredients, as well as the packaging materials and the production facilities. We attach great importance to this review because the term "natural cosmetics" is not protected.

COSMOS Certificate 2023

Eco test

Award "very good"

ÖKO-TEST has so far rated our baby shampoo (Yearbook Children and Family 2019), the boep baby cream (Magazine 10/2020), the boep baby balm (Magazine 11/2021) and the bubble bath (Magazine 04/2023) as "very good" . The seals for the baby shampoo, the wind and weather balm and the baby cream have since expired. You can find more details about the ÖKO-TESTS in this article .


Skin compatibility "very good"

Independent dermatologists from dermatest GmbH have examined our products and they confirm that they are "very well" tolerated by the skin.
This means that applying the products to independent test subjects through a so-called epicutaneous test (or "patch test") did not lead to any irritation or contact allergies. You can find more information about epicutaneous testing here.

Product info

You can find all information about the individual products on the product pages.