From now on you can also reach us on WhatsApp

the boep on WhatsApp

Would you like to have even more direct contact with us, or would you like to write to us while you are on the go? From now on you can also easily reach us via your mobile phone!

Simply write a message to Maya from the boep team at (+49) 6131 3079173.

We look forward to your message! 🤗

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You can find our WhatsApp privacy policy here .

Komm in unseren med WhatsApp Kanal

Wertvolles Wissen und Tipps zum Thema Neurodermitis, Rosacea und sehr empfindliche Haut von Ärztin und boep-Gründerin Michaela, Erfahrungsberichte von anderen Betroffenen, Möglichkeit zu Produkttests für neue med-Entwicklungen, exklusive Rabattaktionen und vieles mehr!