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When the head itches - neurodermatitis on the scalp

If you suffer from neurodermatitis, your scalp is often not spared. Severe itching, dandruff and small crusts are among the typical symptoms. Here you will find out how neurodermatitis manifests itself on the scalp, why it occurs there and, above all, what you can do to soothe the irritated skin.

How does neurodermatitis manifest itself on the scalp?

Neurodermatitis on the scalp is mainly noticeable through an unpleasant feeling of tension and white scales . Frequent scratching can also cause scabs to form, which often makes the symptoms even worse.

Read here how you can distinguish neurodermatitis from oily dandruff and dry scalp .

Hair loss in neurodermatitis – is there a connection?

Severe scratching of the affected areas of skin and the lack of nutrients to the hair roots can occasionally lead to hair loss in cases of neurodermatitis . However, whether neurodermatitis, also known as atopic eczema, is actually solely responsible for hair loss is still being debated by doctors, experts and scientists.

How does neurodermatitis develop on the scalp and what are the possible causes?

What is certain is that there are various causes and trigger factors that are responsible for the development of neurodermatitis on the scalp. It is assumed that there is a combination of genetic predispositions, immunological causes and environmental factors .

The irritated skin loses moisture, becoming drier and more susceptible to irritation. Environmental factors such as stress, dry air or certain care products can further worsen the symptoms and lead to itchy, dry and inflamed areas of skin on the scalp.

Here you can find more information about the possible causes and possible triggers of neurodermatitis .

What can I do if I have neurodermatitis on my scalp?

Unlike other parts of the body, the scalp cannot simply be treated with moisturizing creams. Instead, by choosing the right shampoo, you can ensure that the scalp is well moisturized and, in the best case, the skin barrier is stabilized again.

It is best to use mild hair care products that are specifically tailored to the needs of dry skin, as irritating surfactants or fragrances can be trigger factors for an itchy scalp. You should also reduce the number of times you wash your hair to 2-3 times a week and avoid frequent, hot blow-drying to maintain the scalp's natural oil film and prevent further drying. And air! Avoid hats or caps so that the skin is not subjected to additional stress from heat or humidity.

Which shampoo is best for neurodermatitis on the scalp?

When buying your hair care products, we recommend that you use a moisturizing shampoo or wash gel with natural surfactants. You will usually find additional information such as "mild", "sensitive" or "hypoallergenic formula" on them. However, these terms are not defined, so it is always worth taking a closer look at the ingredients on the back of the product. Here I would recommend that you avoid products with silicones and fragrances that could further irritate the scalp.

Dr. med Michaela Hagemann I boep founder, doctor & mother of three

med Serie Dr. Michaela Hagemann und Anni von Annisbuntewelt

Biologist and bioanalyst Anni, who shares her knowledge of cosmetic ingredients on Instagram under the name @annisbuntewelt, supported boep founder and doctor Michaela in developing the cream. Together they wanted to develop a care cream for problem skin that was as clean and effective as possible,
at the same time meets the highest natural cosmetics standards. No sooner said than done: with our boep med base cream, the first product for very sensitive skin moved into our shop at the beginning of 2023. Since then, the med series has grown steadily and we can already reveal this much: more products will follow!

ANNI & Michaela


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