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Runny nose & cough? Inhale thyme balm for colds

As soon as autumn arrives, the daycare and school viruses and with them the runny noses are back! If you want to counteract cold symptoms naturally, essential oils such as thymol from thyme can be helpful.

But how exactly does thyme help with colds, and can you also inhale our thyme balm ? Here you can find out how you can best use thyme balm, especially for coughs and colds in children.

How does thyme work for colds and coughs?

Thyme, particularly the essential oil thymol it contains, has a versatile effect on cold symptoms and coughs. Thymol has an expectorant effect, which helps to loosen stuck mucus in the airways and makes it easier to cough up. At the same time, it has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritated mucous membranes and thus relieve the airways - and (hopefully) ensure more relaxed nights.

Can you inhale thyme balm?

Yes, our thyme balm can also be used for inhalation by older children and adults to clear the airways and help relieve cold symptoms. Inhalation is particularly helpful for a blocked nose, as the steam combined with the essential oils of the thyme has a calming and expectorant effect.

Inhaling thyme balm – how it works

  1. Fill a pot with about 2 liters of warm or hot, not boiling, water.
  1. Add 1 teaspoon of thyme balm to the water. Stir briefly to ensure the balm is evenly distributed and the essential oils are released.
  1. Once the water has cooled down a bit, you can bend over the pot and spread a towel over yourself and the pot so that the warm steam cannot escape. However, you should always keep enough distance from the water so that you don't scald yourself. A duration of 10 to 20 minutes is recommended.
  1. Breathe deeply through your nose and mouth to take in the beneficial vapors. An inhalation time of 10 to 20 minutes is recommended, depending on how comfortable it feels for you.

Dr. med Michaela Hagemann I boep founder, doctor & mother of three

für kleine und große Schnupfnasen


🌿 wohltuende Aromapflege

🌿 mit Thymian, Salbei und Eukalyptus

🌿 ideal für Kinder ab 3 Jahren

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