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International Atopic Dermatitis Day

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Code: Neurodermatitis15

anni meets boep

Clean basic care for neurodermatitic skin

Did you know that neurodermatitis is one of the most common chronic diseases in childhood? In Germany, 10-15% of all children are affected by neurodermatitis. For the treatment of neurodermatitis, additional moisture supply to the skin at all stages is essential. Anni and Michaela have therefore set themselves the goal of developing a natural and clean basic care product for you that meets the highest natural cosmetic standards, but also avoids known allergenic ingredients.

Discover more information about neurodermatitis

Good to know

Here you will find important information on the detection and treatment of neurodermatitis

Neurodermitis erkennen und behandeln mit med Basiscreme von das boep

Facts, Causes & Trigger Factors

Neurodermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that typically occurs in bouts. Between the bouts...

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Symptoms, Skin Spots & Diagnosis

The severity of atopic dermatitis is determined based on the intensity of the symptoms, the skin changes and the impact on the quality of life...

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Richtige Basispflege bei Neurodermitis mit med Basiscreme von das boep

Treatment, Therapy & Basic Care

The treatment of neurodermatitis is divided into three main pillars: the avoidance of trigger factors, basic care and topical and systemic forms of therapy...

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You can redeem this code until Saturday evening, September 14, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. The code cannot be combined with other codes and is only valid for products from the med series.

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Product info

You can find all information about the individual products on the product pages.