Neurodermatitis, also known as atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema, is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that typically occurs in bouts. This means that phases with relatively symptom-free skin alternate with acute inflammation. The acute bouts in particular can be very stressful for those affected. How do you recognize a neurodermatitis flare-up, what are the causes, and how can it be treated quickly? We have summarized the answers for you in this blog post:
What is a neurodermatitis flare-up?
A neurodermatitis flare-up is a phase in which the symptoms worsen significantly. Typical characteristics of an acute inflammatory stage are:
- intense skin redness and swelling
- weeping skin areas, sometimes blistering
- severe, persistent itching
- Burning or pain in the damaged skin areas
What triggers an acute neurodermatitis attack?
Acute attacks are often triggered by so-called trigger factors, which vary from person to person. Find out here which typical triggers can promote an acute attack.
How long does an acute neurodermatitis attack last?
The duration of a neurodermatitis flare-up is very individual. In mild cases, the symptoms can subside after a few days, while more severe flare-ups can last for weeks or even months. Early and consistent treatment and continuous skin care are crucial to alleviate the symptoms.
risk of superinfections
A common accompaniment to severe attacks is the so-called superinfection, in which damaged, thin areas of skin and wounds become infected by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Such infections can significantly worsen the symptoms and often require special treatments.
- Bacterial infections: Open eczema areas can be colonized by Staphylococcus aureus . Typical signs are yellow oozing, yellowish crust formation and pain in the affected areas.
- Viral infections: Herpes viruses or molluscum contagiosum (molluscum contagiosum) can also penetrate the damaged skin. Herpes usually manifests itself in the form of small blisters and sometimes even fever. Molluscum contagiosum, on the other hand, typically manifests itself in the form of round, skin-colored or pink nodules.
- Fungal infections: Fungi such as Trichophyton rubrum can also settle in inflamed areas of skin. The infection is indicated by a change in the skin structure, blisters or weeping areas.
If you start to show signs of a superinfection, you should see a doctor immediately. In these cases, targeted treatment with antibiotics, antivirals or antimycotics is usually required.
Which cream for acute neurodermatitis?
Proper care is essential to alleviate the symptoms of an acute attack!
Use a moisturizing base cream without fragrances that has been specially developed for basic care for neurodermatitis. During a flare-up, applying it up to three times a day can help reduce itching and strengthen the skin barrier. If the skin is very itchy or burning, cooling compresses can also have a soothing effect.
If the condition does not improve over a longer period of time, the use of cortisone-containing or other immunosuppressive ointments may be useful in consultation with the doctor in order to quickly reduce the inflammation.
How can I prevent neurodermatitis flare-ups?
Consistent basic care : Regular skin care (even during flare-up-free phases) with rich, moisturizing ingredients strengthens the skin barrier and reduces susceptibility to flare-ups.
Avoid triggers : Identify your personal triggers and minimize contact. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises can help reduce stress.
Protection from environmental influences: Especially in winter, your skin needs additional protection from cold, wind and dry heating air. Therefore, use rich, nourishing products, especially in winter, to keep your skin supple.