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Neurodermatitis in Children: The Most Important Information for Parents

In Germany, every fourth toddler is affected by atopic dermatitis, making it the most common chronic skin disease in childhood. This raises questions and uncertainties for many parents. We have compiled the most important information for all parents whose children suffer from atopic dermatitis.

But the good news first: Children with severe neurodermatitis often have fewer or no symptoms as they get older.


1. What does neurodermatitis look like in children?

2. The symptoms of neurodermatitis in children

3. What causes neurodermatitis in children and what makes it worse?

4. What to do about atopic dermatitis in children?

5. Which cream helps with neurodermatitis in children?

What does neurodermatitis look like in children?

Cradle cap is often the first symptom of neurodermatitis to appear in infancy. After that, dry skin develops with itchy, sometimes flaky and reddened areas. Typically, the elbows, backs of the knees, neck and throat are particularly affected in childhood. If the skin is not cared for and neurodermatitis is not treated, the child's skin can appear uneven and slightly thickened. In addition, the affected children usually experience a phased progression of the disease: There is a constant alternation between flare-up-free and acute phases. The so-called itch-scratch cycle shows how difficult it is to get the symptoms of neurodermatitis under control, as they encourage and fuel each other again and again, like a vicious circle. This makes it all the more important to treat neurodermatitis and to use basic moisturizing care in all stages.

Itch-Scratch Cycle in Neurodermatitis

The symptoms of neurodermatitis in children

In summary, the following symptoms are classic for atopic dermatitis in childhood:

  • Cradle cap in infancy (not to be confused with cradle cap ). This causes yellowish scales and crusts on the baby's scalp
  • Very dry skin, which reddens especially in acute phases and flakes over time
  • Weeping skin patches, usually followed by crusting, which occur on scratched areas
  • often painful itching of the little ones

Caution: There are skin diseases that have similar symptoms - especially in childhood. We therefore always recommend clarifying the symptoms with a doctor and having them make the diagnosis.

What causes neurodermatitis in children and what makes it worse?

There is no single reason for the development of neurodermatitis, but it is assumed that it is always a combination of genetic and immunological factors. There are also possible trigger factors that can cause neurodermatitis in children in particular. The causes can be roughly divided into three main points:

  • Disturbed barrier function of the skin
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Environmental influences = trigger factors, such as dry heating air, stress, a new detergent or even the wool blanket on the sofa, which promote immunological processes
At this point we recommend filling out a symptom diary. This is helpful for recording daily or weekly how your child and their skin are doing and which factors may have contributed to a flare-up. Feel free to use our template if you like. :)

Symptom Diary for Neurodermatitis

What to do about atopic dermatitis in children?

First of all: You can do something for your child's neurodermatitis! And it will not only feel good for your child, but also for you.
As mentioned above, you should first have the symptoms checked by a doctor. This is the only way to be sure that your child really has atopic dermatitis. We have also collected a few tips for you on how you can support your child:

1st tip : Keep a symptom diary. This way you can identify possible trigger factors and counteract them.

2nd tip: Test out which diet is good for your child and which also has a positive effect on their skin. There may be foods that your child cannot tolerate and that promote atopic dermatitis. For example, some people with atopic dermatitis cannot tolerate citrus fruits, wheat and cow's milk products.

3.Tip: Dress your child in as few irritating materials as possible. Clothing that contains wool irritates your child's skin even more and promotes itching and redness of the skin. So opt for loose clothing made of smooth cotton or silk. These materials ensure a comfortable fit. Also avoid detergents that contain perfume.

4.Tip: It is often difficult to stop your child from scratching - especially when they are sleeping. Our tip is to always keep your child's fingernails short so that the skin is only irritated to a minimum.

5th tip: You can also think about yourself. We know that parents whose children suffer from atopic dermatitis are under enormous pressure and have a lot to worry about. So take some time out and do something good for yourself - your relaxation will surely rub off on your child.

6.Tip: Make sure you use the right basic care . The skin barrier of your child with neurodermatitis is weakened and needs a lot of moisture. Therefore, be sure to integrate good basic care into your daily care routine and think about something like painting figures or symbols so that applying cream might even be fun. :)

Which cream helps with neurodermatitis in children?

Here, it is important to identify the right therapy for the individual stage of the disease in consultation with the doctor. In general, however, daily basic care is essential in all stages of neurodermatitis therapy. We particularly recommend our med basic cream . With its clean, reduced formula, the cream is very suitable for the care of very dry, itchy skin, such as in neurodermatitis. Just give it a try! We have a med trial package with which you can test our med basic cream and our med balm. In our last customer survey ( September 2024 with 247 customers), 97% of children with neurodermatitis had less dry skin with regular use . We are very pleased with these and other results, which you can read all about here !

Dr. med Michaela Hagemann I boep founder, doctor & mother of three
med Serie Dr. Michaela Hagemann und Anni von Annisbuntewelt

Biologist and bioanalyst Anni, who shares her knowledge of cosmetic ingredients on Instagram under the name @annisbuntewelt, supported boep founder and doctor Michaela in developing the cream. Together they wanted to develop a care cream for problem skin that was as clean and effective as possible,
at the same time meets the highest natural cosmetics standards. No sooner said than done: with our boep med base cream, the first product for very sensitive skin moved into our shop at the beginning of 2023. Since then, the med series has grown steadily and we can already reveal this much: more products will follow!

ANNI & Michaela


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