Terms and conditions for birth preparation courses

General terms and conditions of business

Birth preparation courses (max. 14 hours) given by the midwife are generally covered by the health insurance company. The course hours attended by the pregnant course participant are billed to the woman's statutory or private health insurance company in accordance with the midwifery assistance contract (fee regulations according to §134a SGB V) and are therefore paid for by the company.

Most health insurance companies also reimburse the partner fee or part of it.

In order to be able to submit the flat rate of 120€ that we charge to your health insurance company, a certificate of participation will be issued at the end of the course (digital).

The place is secured when the registration form has been completely filled out and returned and after the confirmation email has been sent by the midwife (check your spam folder if necessary), the partner fee is transferred within one week and has been received in the account no later than 10 working days after registration.

For those with statutory insurance, the midwife bills the course hours used (7.96€/60 min.) directly to the statutory health insurance provider.

For those with private insurance, the entire invoice amount (1.8 times the rate = €171.94) must be transferred. You will receive an invoice for the hours attended and submit this to your health insurance company for reimbursement.


If the course participant misses individual lessons, the midwife retains the right to the fee, regardless of the reasons for the course participant not attending. Since the course builds on one another, new participants cannot be accepted into the current course. The remuneration is based on the applicable fee regulations according to Section 134a SGB V. This means that if the participant does not attend, the amount that the midwife would otherwise receive from the health insurance company will be invoiced privately to the participant.

Cancellation, whether for individual lessons or for the entire course, is required in writing (by email).

If the course participant is unable to attend the birth preparation course, this must be communicated to the midwife 30 days before the start of the course so that the place can be filled by someone else.

If you cancel up to 30 days before the course starts, no costs will be charged. If you cancel up to 14 days before the course starts, 50% of the above-mentioned amount will be charged. If you cancel later, the full amount will be charged. If the place can be given to someone else at short notice, no costs will be charged.

The midwife is granted the right to cancel individual course lessons at short notice if necessary (especially in the event of illness) and to reschedule them for a new date. Absence from the replacement lesson cannot be reimbursed either.

In addition, the midwife reserves the right to offer the course digitally/in combination (online and in person) if necessary (pandemic, illness). Registration is binding for all forms.

If the course does not take place due to insufficient number of participants or for other reasons, the partner fee will be refunded in full.

As of June 2023