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Personal hygiene for children – practical tips & tricks for everyday life

Some children could happily play in the bathtub for hours, while others can only be persuaded to step foot in the shower with a lot of persuasion. This can sometimes make us as parents despair. Personal hygiene is an important issue that we want to pay attention to, especially at primary school age and in the early or pre-pubescent phase.

At what age do children develop sweat odor?

Toddlers and children who have not yet reached puberty usually do not develop a sweat odor because their sebum production is still low. Sweat odor is caused by bacteria in the skin flora breaking down the sebum.

The hormonal changes in the early and pre-puberty phase, which often begin around the age of 8 or 9, also stimulate sebum production. This process, which begins with the activation of the adrenal cortex before the actual central start of puberty, heralds the start of puberty in a way and parents wonder why their child suddenly smells of sweat. But there is absolutely no reason to worry: this is a completely physiological process.

Why is my child sweating?

As with us adults, sweat fulfils a vital function: thermoregulation. The evaporation of sweat allows the body to cool itself and thus protect itself from overheating and dehydration. Sweat also strengthens the skin's acid mantle and thus protects it from other environmental influences.

Sweat odor occurs in everyone and there is no purely physiological reason to suppress the production or smell of sweat. However, some people are bothered by their own smell and children can also suffer from suddenly smelling different. Gentle educational discussions can help here, which make it clear to everyone how normal this process is and that regular personal hygiene and the use of a light children's deodorant are often enough to feel good again.

How often should children bathe or shower? 

  • Toddlers: about one to two baths per week
  • Primary school children: two to three times a week
  • School children: at your own discretion two to three times a week or every 2 days

Please note that these are only rough guidelines. Individual skin and hair needs can and should vary.

Should I put cream on my child after bathing?

That really depends on your child's skin. For example, if your child has very sensitive and dry skin, you should give the skin an extra helping of moisture after bathing. For dry skin, our rich med base cream can be a helpful option. Many children enjoy our body lotion because they can easily dose it themselves using the practical maxi-sized pump dispenser.

What can you do about body odor in children?

If sweat odor persists despite regular washing and children find this unpleasant, a mild children's deodorant can be used to help. Make sure that you choose mildly formulated deodorants without perfume or synthetic preservatives such as parabens, as these ingredients could potentially cause allergies in children's sensitive skin.

Our natural children's deodorant contains carefully selected ingredients, especially for young skin, and gently prevents the development of unpleasant odors. And all this with a fresh scent and a great design - sounds good? Then give it a try!

What should I do if my child doesn’t like showering or bathing?

  1. Use favorite colors : A bathrobe, towels and washcloths in your child's favorite color can increase the anticipation of bathing or showering and work especially well with younger children. If the child knows that he or she can slip into his or her cozy, colorful bathrobe after bathing, it may be easier for him or her to get involved.
  1. Hourglass for shower-haters : An hourglass that your child can see clearly while bathing or showering can help keep track of time. This ensures that bathing or showering does not take too long and your child has a clear sense of time.
  1. Use audio plays : An exciting audio play during bathing or showering can make the time fly by. When the audio play is over, your child knows that it is time to rinse off and finish the bath. This not only makes your ritual more entertaining, but also gives it a clear structure.

Dr. med Michaela Hagemann I boep founder, doctor & mother of three

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