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Tips & instructions for baby massage

Baby massages are intended to provide relaxation. They get to know their bodies better through gentle touches and experience a loving moment of closeness with you. So that you both can really enjoy the massage, there are a few practical things to consider. We are happy to share some tips with you here!

Tip 1: Pay attention to a warm & cozy environment

Where you massage your baby, it should be pleasantly warm so that your child does not freeze. It is best to lay your baby on a soft surface, such as a cheesecloth or in cotton, which can be washed if necessary in the event of oil stains.

Tips, tricks and instructions for the ideal baby massage: the right grips, techniques and the perfect baby massage oil

Tip 2: A massage oil with natural ingredients

So that there are no oil stains in the first place, you can get advice from boep founder Michaela when choosing your massage oil . In an interview with dm Glückskind ( → Video on Youtube ), dm's pregnancy companion, she explains that natural oils such as almond oil are gentle, spread effortlessly and are quickly absorbed.

This means there is no risk of your baby being too slippery and slipping out of your hand. You can also get your baby dressed more quickly after the massage - without causing stains on the clothes.

The boep baby almond oil should not be missing from the baby massage to enable relaxing bonding moments

Tip 3: The right time

If you want a warm place, a document and a suitable one massage oil ready, you only have to wait for the right time for the massage.

On the one hand, you should not be under stress or deadline pressure yourself; on the other hand, your child should not have just eaten and not be too tired. Even if your child is too alert, too energetic or too hungry, they will signal to you that they are not in the mood for a quiet massage.

A good time might after bathing be, because many babies are relaxed afterwards and look forward to a little massage session.

Tip 4: The right massage techniques

In this guide you will find out how long a baby massage should last and what the right massage techniques are Lucky Child Items . Thordis Zwartjes, trainer of the German Society for Baby and Child Massage (DGBM), explains which movements and touches are best suited for your baby's head, neck and arms - so that your baby can really enjoy the massage all around.

For older toddlers and children

Older (small) children are also happy about small massage rounds with mum or dad. Here we recommend the "pizza baking" massage, which relaxes in a playful way and at the same time increases body awareness and perception. A massage guide for "baking pizza" you can find here .

unser tipp

Pflegeset: Baby auf dem Wickeltisch

Unser Pflegeset kombiniert alle unsere Cremeprodukte und passt auf jeden Wickeltisch!

  • Das Babymandelöl als Massageöl, das schnell einzieht
  • Die Babycreme für eine zarte Pflege nach der Massage
  • Die Babywundcreme beruhigt wunde Haut im Windelbereich
  • Das Babymulltuch ist die perfekte Unterlage für die Babymassage und rundet das Set ab
Baby auf dem Wickeltisch mit boep med Pflegeserie

Mich überzeugt das Gesamtpaket aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen, schöner Verpackung und super Duft. Dazu kommt das Vertrauen in Gründerin Michaela als Ärztin und Zweifach-Mama. Bei das boep bin ich mir sicher, dass ich meinem Kind etwas Gutes tue. 

Alexa von Heyden, Autorin


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