
Do you love our products and would like to introduce them to your community or your new mothers? Then please get in touch with us!

Jessika - Influencer Marketing bei das boep

You are

Influencer, blogger or content creator?

Then please contact Jessika using this contact form with all the necessary information!

Jessika will review your request and get back to you promptly with further information. Please note that we receive a lot of requests and it may take a few days to respond.

Charlotte - Hebamme von das boep

You are

Midwife, doctor or baby course instructor?

Then please contact Charlotte, our midwife, directly using our contact form . We will be happy to send you product samples and further information about our products. If you have any questions, you can also contact Charlotte directly.

Please note that we are currently receiving a lot of requests and processing may take some time! Thank you for your understanding!

Product info

You can find all information about the individual products on the product pages.